Pozvánka na evropský seminář hudebních archivů a hudebních knihoven 4.-5.9.2010 v Bernu.
European Orchestra Federation EOFED
Successor organisation of
Europäische Vereinigung von Liebhaberorchestern EVL and
European Association of Youth Orchestras EAYO,
established by the Founding Assembly on May 21, 2009 at Dalfsen, The Netherlands
5th European Seminar on musical libraries of the
European Orchestra Federation EOFed
organised by the Swiss Orchestra Association EOV
Bern, Switzerland, September 4 and 5, 2010
Musical libraries today and tomorrow –
from paper on the stand to a screen built in the stand?
Sheet music needed for concert programmes seems to be one of the problems amateur or-chestras have to deal with regularly. In order to have quick and easy access to scores and partitions at reasonable costs many national orchestra associations and individual orchestras have set up their own libraries.
But what will happen when composers, editors, IT companies replace the printed music by online partitions on screens, iPads, tablets etc? How will amateur orchestras handle such a challenge? Will it be a challenge at all?
In the past, the German Federal Association of Amateur Orchestras BDLO has organised seminars to keep its members and friends from abroad informed on the developments in the area of musical notes.
A few months ago the Swiss Orchestra Association EOV introduced the online library mana-gement system Alephino, and the board members of the European Orchestra Federation EOFed decided to let the members of the federation share this event with their Swiss col-leagues.
Would a network based on this management system make it easier to exchange information and to search and find musical notes across borders?
In order to address this and related subjects, EOV and EOFed organise the 5th European seminar on musical libraries specifically dedicated to the characteristics and the application of the Alephino software and to future developments in the area of musical notes and libraries.
The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 4 and 5, 2010, in Bern, Switzerland.
On Saturday, the colleague from EOV responsible for the introduction of Alephino will give a presentation of the system and talk about the first experience collected. Users will talk about their experience, and there will be ample time for all participants to ask questions.
On Sunday, representatives from musical editors, authors’ rights management organisations and artists/composers will present their vision on future developments. Will we continue to play music from printed sheets or will we read from a screen integrated in the stand? Will the download of music replace buying or lending out sheet material?
In a panel discussion controversial and fascinating questions and viewpoints will be raised and debated.
Saturday evening will be the time to get well acquainted with colleagues over dinner and a good glass of wine.
EOV and EOFed are happy to invite representatives of Associations and Orchestras mem-bers of EOFed, especially colleagues responsible for libraries, scores and partitions, to come to Bern for lively discussions. Other persons carrying responsibilities in their institutions are also welcome.
Don’t miss this event! Get the best and most up-to-date information on library matters and follow the discussions of experts on future developments!
The seminar will be held in English.
For registration please go to the web site of EOV
There you will find the detailed schedule, practical information and the registration form. Please register no later than May 31, 2010
For further information please contact the board members of EOV/EOFed
Agnes and Jürg von Känel, Schubertweg 8, CH-3073 Gümligen
by phone at +41 31 951 56 32 or by e-mail at agnes.vonkaenel@eov-sfo.ch
Welcome to Bern!
Very sincerely yours
Daniel A. Kellerhals
publikováno: 23.06.2010