Informace z Evropské asociace mládežnických orchestrů EAYO
Nejaktuálnější informace Evropské asociace mládežnických orchestrů EAYO. (anglicky)
NL, Dedemsvaart, 13. December 2007
Dear Members,
We wish you all a very peaceful Christmas time and a lot of positive musical energy for a happy and healthy 2008.
Please look at the attached list of members and ‘friends’; there are some important changes in the addresses of Luxemburg, Norway and Canada.
If there are any changes not included please let us know.
Important EAYO data for the future:
• 2nd Working Group Meeting 8/10 February 2008, Dublin, Ie
• next General Assembly 21st May 2009, Hoogeveen, Netherlands
• Int. Orchestra Festival 21 – 24 May 09, Hoogeveen, NL
Working Group EAYO/EAAO:
After our successful 1st meeting in Amersfoort/NL, where me also met with the board of our Dutch member FASO, we are looking forward to meet also the board of our Irish member IAYO at their very successful annual festival of Youth Orchestras.
EAYO’s webmaster Allin Gray is back into IAYO business as General Manager since mid October.
Together with also Vincent Hunt, IAYO’s chairman and ‘WG member’ for EAYO, I had a good meeting 21st November 07 in Cork at the IAYO office.
IAYO was very busy at that time with the last details for the weekend of 24/25 November, when the new Regional Youth Orchestra of the South/West was launched in residence in Killarney.
Please look at IAYO’s website for more details:
Please look also at where you will find the report of the first working group meeting under meetings & previous.
If you have any questions or advices please let us know!
A very interesting article at you can find under News.
At the EOV (Ch) annual meeting it was discussed what young musicians hope to find in an ‘adult’ amateur orchestra.
NB Also in Switzerland, as in Germany (BDLO) and in the Netherlands (FASO) there is one organisation for both youth and adult amateur orchestras.
Next General Assembly of both EAYO and EAAO is planned 21st May 2009
in the Netherlands (Hoogeveen). The final conclusions of the Working Group will end at that spot and the members will decide if and how both organisations will continue. We keep you informed about the results of the Working Group.
Please be sure to be present at this important General Assembly!
For EAYO members one of the most interesting challenges is the invitation to all member orchestras to participate in the International Orchestra Festival, which is organised by EAAO every third year in combination with their GA.
The maximum number of participants is appr. 600 and the organisers will look after a good mix (preferably 50/50) of youth and adults.
Draft Festival Agenda – 21/24 May 2009:
Thursday 21st May 2009:
• Morning Arrivals
• Afternoon General Assembly’s of EAYO and EAAO
• Evening Opening Concert (FASO/EAAO/EAYO)
Friday 22nd May 2009:
• Morning Workshops*
• Afternoon Workshops*
• Evening Concerts e.g. participating orchestras
Saturday 23rd May 2009:
• Morning Workshops*
• Afternoon Workshops and/or sightseeing
• Evening Concert and/or Party for all participants
Sunday 24th May 2009:
• Morning Final Concert of ‘Mixed Orchestras’*
• Afternoon Departure
* EAAO organises this festival since their founding in 1985 and the concept has
been very successful. All participating orchestras are mixed. People can
choose their preferred repertoire. Repertoire should be prepared.
Conductors of participating orchestras will be involved.
2009 will be the first time that youth orchestras are involved; we are looking
forward to see how ‘all ages’ will enjoy their cooperation and be
complementary to one another.
N.B. we know that end of May is a very busy time at schools in e.g. Ireland, GB, Norway with exams before the start of the summer holidays in June.
Most countries however have a short holiday around Ascension Day.
EAYO together with FASO will organise a hosting orchestra in the Festival Area for the participating youth orchestras to have an extra concert at the start or at the end of the festival if this is preferred.
The festival organisation (FASO secretary Nelleke Geusebroek) is already very busy to find appropriate accommodation. For youth orchestras there are budget group accommodations available.
Please let us know if you are interested (deadline mid March 2008) and/or if you have any questions.
International Ensemble and Soloist Contest 2008
you can find all kind of information about the interesting activities of the International and European Music Council e.g. Music Map of Europe. is an online platform for European arts and culture, with edited information in five languages and a growing social networking space covering content that crosses physical, cultural and imaginative borders. They are a partnership initiative of the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam.
A very interesting website!
Website EAYO:
21st November Allin Gray showed me how to update our website with a special password. Allin will simplify the possibilities and will give all the members a password for a new part of the website: ‘News of the members’.
Main issue for the EAYO board is to update the Festival Database.
You will have more news about this as soon as possible.
Please keep in touch and give us news about all your interesting activities.
Put 21st May 2009 in your agenda and help us to make the right decisions for the future with lots of opportunities for our young musicians!
With best wishes,
Anneke van Nes
EAYO - c/o Otterswijk 13, 7701 PC Dedemsvaart, NL
Tel. +31 523 638435, e-mail:
publikováno: 13.12.2007